Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I know i've been awol for a while ( a few months) and I've been getting it pretty bad from miss juliana here. But believe it or not I have been busy. Since the last time I posted I have moved to a new house (which was sooo stressful to say the least) and I got sick (which combined with the stress caused be to pass out twice) so i think my health trumps posting art. I also have recently gone into the studios to recording my own music which is REALLY exciting and nerve racking. On top of that i have not had internet at my house and no creative bone in my body. buuuut last night we had a few friends over and we did some pumpkin carving.

I forgot how much fun it was.

yes this is my bathroom. . . .
so i hope this makes Julz happy that finally she's not the only one posting.
i hope to do more buuuut i don't want to have to come to work every time i need the internet

Monday, October 18, 2010

Julz's Cooking Lesson #1: Always Read the Whole Recipe Through First

...or else you end up with cold soup.

Now, the thing is, I don't mind a cold soup. A nice cold soup is great in the summer, it's a great starting point to a summer meal... but in mid October, cold avocado soup just isn't going to cut it.

I've been trying to be super organized as of late and trying to pre-plan my meals for the week which is definitely a good way to do it I think. So last Sunday, I was planning my meals out, and I thought to myself, "Avocado soup! Sounds delish!" and copied all the ingredients on to my shopping list without reading much further than the first couple of steps.

It wasn't until last night, when I was making my dinner, the nice warm soup I had been looking forward to all week, that I realized there was no point in the directions of "place over heat".

Disappointment of the day.

It was pretty good soup, in the end. Just not what I was hoping for.

So, today's lesson, folks, is make sure you read a whole recipe all the way through, or you'll be in the kitchen making this face:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Guest Post

I'm drowning! Help! Midterms have taken over my life! HOWEVER, I am fully dedicated to this blog, in which I have literally tens of readers to appease. I couldn't let you five down!

Although I have been buried under piles and piles (and piles!) of papers covered in linguistic mumbo jumbo, I have been crafting on the side. I'm making bottlecap magnets again this year, and going to be selling them at Christmas craft fair this winter at a friend's table. So, my room has sort of become a magnet production sweatshop/study station/I've-been-studying-too-long-I'm-going-stir-crazy-dance-hall.

Annnnywaaay. My friend Esther hasn't been going midterm crazy and has channeled this energy into making some adorable candles! She says there super easy and is going to give them away for Christmas in threes.

Anyways! Will return with my own crafts soon!