Thursday, December 30, 2010


My new year resolutions I've made 3 major ones . . . not 10 but just 3!

1. NO MORE DRINKING. I know a lot of my friends think I can't do it or they think its a STUPID goal (thanks for the support) reasons being:
a) I don't need to drink to have fun. makes me feel like shit anyways but I still do it WHY?
b) It's a waste of money
c) It does NOTHING good for my body and contradicts goal number 2

2. DANCE DANCE DANCE. If i'm going to be a dancer i have to be healthy, eat healthy, exercise constantly . . . take lessons too

3. MUSIC. Do more with music. play more shows! record more (hopefully will have a pretty good demo cd out)

i think those are pretty REASONABLE goals ya?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


So the new year is upon us. Yes I have NOT been posting as much as Julz recently thats ok new year . . . hopefully.
So you remember the 10 goals I had decided would be done in 2010?
well I thought that would be reasonable but it really wasn't. ok lets see what i DID accomplish form that list
1. Health: get in shape, eat better
have definitely been eating better and exercising and becoming vegan really helped. Next step get into dance! Thought I'd try to get back into gymnastics but I've been interested in contemporary dance excited about that. Lots of working out ahead of me

2. Travel: see more of europe
have decided i need to save more and HOPEFULLY go next fall

3. Music: perform, collaborate & band
If recording in a studio with the AMAZING Matt Wallace counts as collaborating (and it does) then I'm good. Have yet to do a duet with Dom

4. Cultural: learn french
actually I've been learning to speaking Hebrew from my bosses

5. Film: write direct
uh . . . . its really hard to come up with ideas when my partner in crime won't help.

6. Acting: agent, auditions, extras
nope. haven't been interested in acting lately

7. Education: study film, creative writing
I'm currently wait listed for a "Art of Short Film" class for jan.

8. Cards: tarot & poker
people keep telling they'll teach me.

9. Work: new or 2nd job
looking into bartending courses so i can get out of Breka!

10. Socialize: Meet new people
DEFINITELY met new people including my AWESOME roommate, her bf, among others.

So Christmas this year wasn't as relaxing as last year. Though this time the whole family was together me, my sister, my mom and Raymond plus Raymond's brothers and their kids (an adorable 4 year old, 6 year old and 10 year old)

Going back to vancouver to celebrate the new year (a RELAXING calming new year) don't plan on going downtown too crazy, too cold and too expensive.

ALRIGHT i think thats about it sorry again for NOT posting not that we have a hundred adoring fans just waiting for out next posts it would be nice I'm just saying.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Lately, I've been spending hours in the library. It's finals season.
Lately, I've been watching lots of vampire movies for my Vampires in Culture and Film class and,
Lately, I've been crafting while watching Dracula, Shadow of a Vampire, and Lost Boys.

One thing I'm really excited about is that I recently had my bottlecap magnets up at a craft fair, and I did really well! I didn't turn a huge profit in the grand scheme, but compared to what I spent on supplies, I done good! I wasn't expecting to break even, so this is very exciting. I wasn't able to make it to Vancouver for the craft fair, but I have some pictures of the product:

It's crazy to think that I could walk into someone's house who isn't a close friend and see something I made on their fridge! And the more I make and the more craft fairs I put my stuff in, the higher these chances are! Something I MADE is in a stranger's house. It's weird.
Until them, I've been knitting knitting, vampires, knitting, vampires, knitting, linguistics. I made some coffee cup sleeves too, they didn't make the craft fair, but pictures soon to follow.
Happy Festivus!
xo, Julz.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Om Nom Nom Nom

I've been eating preeetttyy well over here.
Crafting up a storm too, pictures and more words to follow!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I know i've been awol for a while ( a few months) and I've been getting it pretty bad from miss juliana here. But believe it or not I have been busy. Since the last time I posted I have moved to a new house (which was sooo stressful to say the least) and I got sick (which combined with the stress caused be to pass out twice) so i think my health trumps posting art. I also have recently gone into the studios to recording my own music which is REALLY exciting and nerve racking. On top of that i have not had internet at my house and no creative bone in my body. buuuut last night we had a few friends over and we did some pumpkin carving.

I forgot how much fun it was.

yes this is my bathroom. . . .
so i hope this makes Julz happy that finally she's not the only one posting.
i hope to do more buuuut i don't want to have to come to work every time i need the internet

Monday, October 18, 2010

Julz's Cooking Lesson #1: Always Read the Whole Recipe Through First

...or else you end up with cold soup.

Now, the thing is, I don't mind a cold soup. A nice cold soup is great in the summer, it's a great starting point to a summer meal... but in mid October, cold avocado soup just isn't going to cut it.

I've been trying to be super organized as of late and trying to pre-plan my meals for the week which is definitely a good way to do it I think. So last Sunday, I was planning my meals out, and I thought to myself, "Avocado soup! Sounds delish!" and copied all the ingredients on to my shopping list without reading much further than the first couple of steps.

It wasn't until last night, when I was making my dinner, the nice warm soup I had been looking forward to all week, that I realized there was no point in the directions of "place over heat".

Disappointment of the day.

It was pretty good soup, in the end. Just not what I was hoping for.

So, today's lesson, folks, is make sure you read a whole recipe all the way through, or you'll be in the kitchen making this face:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Guest Post

I'm drowning! Help! Midterms have taken over my life! HOWEVER, I am fully dedicated to this blog, in which I have literally tens of readers to appease. I couldn't let you five down!

Although I have been buried under piles and piles (and piles!) of papers covered in linguistic mumbo jumbo, I have been crafting on the side. I'm making bottlecap magnets again this year, and going to be selling them at Christmas craft fair this winter at a friend's table. So, my room has sort of become a magnet production sweatshop/study station/I've-been-studying-too-long-I'm-going-stir-crazy-dance-hall.

Annnnywaaay. My friend Esther hasn't been going midterm crazy and has channeled this energy into making some adorable candles! She says there super easy and is going to give them away for Christmas in threes.

Anyways! Will return with my own crafts soon!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Innovative Decorating

It's a cookie sheet. I didn't want to take over the fridge.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome September

New school.
New city.

New crafting outlook.
I know that Jen almost primarily posts cooking posts nowadays.... and... I think I'm going to start adding a few into the mix too... sigh. I just moved guys! I need to start making my own food! It's something I do now! Maybe we'll rename ourselves to "Can't Stop, COOK till we drop"? Not likely.

Mainly because I am a menace in the kitchen. And not in a good way.
But I've been trying.

For example,

I made my own granola.
It looks good, but it tastes better.

And for lunch,

Cream cheese, rye crackers and tomatoes. Not really cooking, but pretty to look at and magically delicious.

Of course, moving to an island away from all your family and friends isn't just cooking. I also decorated my room! Pictures to follow!
Back to blogging!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

And I'm baaaaaccckkk

I'm back!
14 countries, three months, time of my life.
Will craft soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Earlier this week I made my first vegan bean burger. Consisting of lentils, black beans, bread crumbs and some spices. . . . very yummy.

I got the recipe online hmm can't remember where but it's pretty easy to make.
two posts in one day? wow as appose to the ONE last month eh?
Ok so it has been a while since there has been some kinda postage. I'd like to say I've been SUPER busy but that would be lying . Julz off living and loving the european backpackers life. Extremely jealous but here in sometimes rainy sometimes sunny Vancouver.

anywho my mom visited and I made a BIG pizza and of course it was goood.

also took a crack at making my own granola instead of buying store bought. cause saving money is cool!

Oh look crafts! This is a mothers day card I made for my . . . well mother.

It was also my sister's birthday at the beginning of the month (may 5th) and she's going into audio engineering which is sooo awesome and I am SOO proud of her for getting into a school in montreal and that is the cassette tape reference in a sense.

ON a side note. Remember that 2010 book I made? well I've come to terms with the fact that it will be IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill those goals this year sooo I am not giving myself a time limit for that. We'll see

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I think its about time . . .

for another post. don't you? anywho this is yet another food post BUT there is arts and crafts coming soon. The two of us have been busy with friends visiting from Edmonton and Julz getting ready for Europe! three months without Julz?! HOW WILL I LIVE! I guess I will manage. I DO believe this will put a dent in our blog goals for posting at least once a week.

ok . . . .
I tried making a creamy avocado and broccoli pasta sauce it was too creamy i don't like creamy sauce.

Friday me and Julz had dinner and a movie (Sense and Sensibility) I made pizza with pesto sauce, sauteed mushrooms and onions, yellow orange and green bell peppers, black beans and corn it was really good. The dinner was a success but the movie wasn't . . . we both fell asleep

Yesterday we went out for my sister's birthday and I made her chocolate cupcakes with icing for someone with a sweet tooth she said it was too sweet . . .

Well thats about it for a lame attempt . . . .but I just wanted to post SOMETHING.
I am in the middle of making cards

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

So I spent most of my weekend at my friend (Tanisha) house. Had a blasty blast. Saturday morning met up went to her place. Its awesome. It was gonna be a night of movies, food and fun. And it was. For lunch she made a vegan spinach quiche (actually everything she made was vegan and I was so touched cause everyone else says I'm being difficult becoming vegan)
yummy . . .
next came vietnamese spring rolls. . . i ate four and they weren't small. soo good.

Dinner came around and she made falafels ( that i couldnt eat cause I can't eat chickpeas) and homemade pita bread (which was better than store bought) she also made Baba Ganoush

Roasted Kale. crunchy. . .

Curried peas with tofu

HMMM. . . we decided that we were going to make "space" brownies and watch funny movies (super troopers which i fell asleep for- I swear I was asleep for 5 seconds but I opened my eyes and the movie was done and I was apparently snoring . . . oops)

Sunday morning after waking up with what felt like a hangover. I came downstairs to find Tanisha cooking up another storm. Scrambled tofu . . . . with left over curried peas, roti and my fave

apple cinnamon pancakes . . .
it was a marvelous easter weekend.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Something Different

So I like avocados and I wanted to see what I could make with em. Mashed potatoes? oh yes. and they were good. though I made them the DAY after St. Patty's which i TOTALLY forgot about which is sooo weird because I adore the Irish ( . . .boys . . .what?) anyways they turned out great.

Next? and a few days later uh . . this weekend actually. Chocolate and Avocado Muffins! mmmm.
let me tell you its hard to mash avocados with a fork.
so i added the other ingredients and then blended it (I love my blender) this batter tasted pretty good just as it is right here. Even though it doesn't look too appealing.
before baking . . .
the finished product. I actually was scared they weren't going to get any bigger. But they did and they taste great. A few of my friends/co-workers aren't use to it and pretend they like what I bake but make faces and blah blah blah. They don't have to have any. I had one warmed up with a side of (rice milk) ice cream and it was quite tasty if I do say so myself.
That night for dinner i tried quinoa for the first time. I like it and there's asparagus and carrots and black beans. I mixed the quinoa and black beans in left over pesto sauce. It was an eventful weekend (not really)
This is how I spend my weekends these days . . . exciting ain't it? no wonder I'm still single . . . I'm not complaining (ok maybe I am)
ok I'm done. I'm done