Monday, March 22, 2010

Something Different

So I like avocados and I wanted to see what I could make with em. Mashed potatoes? oh yes. and they were good. though I made them the DAY after St. Patty's which i TOTALLY forgot about which is sooo weird because I adore the Irish ( . . .boys . . .what?) anyways they turned out great.

Next? and a few days later uh . . this weekend actually. Chocolate and Avocado Muffins! mmmm.
let me tell you its hard to mash avocados with a fork.
so i added the other ingredients and then blended it (I love my blender) this batter tasted pretty good just as it is right here. Even though it doesn't look too appealing.
before baking . . .
the finished product. I actually was scared they weren't going to get any bigger. But they did and they taste great. A few of my friends/co-workers aren't use to it and pretend they like what I bake but make faces and blah blah blah. They don't have to have any. I had one warmed up with a side of (rice milk) ice cream and it was quite tasty if I do say so myself.
That night for dinner i tried quinoa for the first time. I like it and there's asparagus and carrots and black beans. I mixed the quinoa and black beans in left over pesto sauce. It was an eventful weekend (not really)
This is how I spend my weekends these days . . . exciting ain't it? no wonder I'm still single . . . I'm not complaining (ok maybe I am)
ok I'm done. I'm done

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