Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: I'm Excited.

I'm excited.
About everything. The feeling of renewal in the spring time really really affects me. Maybe I have a Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder. Add that to my self-diagnosed A.D.D., makes for a lot of letters. Anyway, I had the loveliest weekend I've had in a long time and spent a day exploring a nearby town. It was sunny and bright, which made it the perfect weather to walk along the beach.

Stupidly, I forgot my camera.
Anyway, this is what I wore today, followed by some stuff I'm excited about.

I'm excited that I got to wear this dress without a ton of layers.

In these shots, I changed my self-timer to a 2 second option as opposed to my usual ten second timeframe, so these pictures may look like my usual dance shots, but really I'm running to get back in time. Haha. My outfit, as usual, is entirely thrifted. <3

I'm excited about eating more salad and having more fruit and veggies at my disposal with the coming summer months.

I'm excited that I made these banana-peanut butter-chocolate chip muffins that remind me so so much of being a kid.

I'm excited about how massive these dumplings came out.

I'm excited that despite gray skies, the spring is persistent in announcing its arrival.

I'm excited that while amidst my studying for exams, I was able to find all my books for next semester at Value Village for $15, total. This is especially exciting because at the school bookstore, each book cost about $17. This pile is books from my current semester, next semester, and my pleasure reading as of late.

And I'm excited that pretty weather makes me want to test out posing for outfit shots in public.
This was during a little rain... so positioning of the camera was hard, but I think I'll work it out when it's a little drier. People were surprisingly unbothered by the girl setting up her camera and running back to herself.

I hope you're excited too!

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