Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: Hiatus

So, its been a really good couple of days. I finished my summer classes, got a job and am going home for the whole month of August. Summer can finally begin! I'm going to be taking a hiatus on the What I Wore Wednesdays for the month, because I'm going to be all over the place and without my laptop this month. My friend Esther will be filling in the void by posting a Guest What I Wore Wednesday post for the next month. I can't wait to see what she comes up with!

Outfit Deets:
Top- thrifted
Headband-borrowed from the bestie
belt- thrifted
Skirt- AA, inherited from the bestie
shoes- Sitka Skate and Surf

Monday, July 25, 2011

They said sun . . .

Well we do have some sun buuutt it's windy and kinda coldish . . . sorta . . . shush.
Ok . . .
Today I am wearing a very girly tank top that use to be tight around the hip area, now ITS NOT. :).
Dark green short, black cardigan (for work)
without cardigan
the detail on the bottom.

That's all folks . . . I got some research to do now. See ya!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I feel very 60s right now . . .

I'm on my way to a friends birthday dinner . . . well in about an hour and a half. I had planned out what I was gonna wear but it didn't work out and I wanted to wear the green ribbon in my hair so I chose this dress. . . yes its quite short thats why I'm wearing shorts underneath.

Dress: value village . . .?
Head scarf/ribbon: Nana Babs (my mom's aunt)
Can't decide on the shoes yet.
and thats it . . . I'm bored and very hungry!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: Stand Still, Stand Still

Today, I kept it simple outfit-wise because school has gotten crazy busy all of a sudden and I'm trying to juggle a whole bunch of school stuff and a quick trip home this weekend. I am happy to say that I think I am going to be able to succeed, and have arranged a daily goals list for the rest of the week that needs to be completed. That way, I can do all my stuff bit by bit instead of stressing too much. I have been doing this for essays for the last two semesters, but it works really really well. I assign myself a number of words to write per day. So, my 1500 word paper has gotten broken down 3 day intervals of 500 words a day. See? I've got this university thing down!

These are the new moccasins I finally settled on with the Sitka SwarmJam I bought way back in January. They didn't have any Toms in my size and were loath to order in the colour I wanted and everything else was incredibly underwhelming. I'm excited about these puppies though. I think they're pretty adorable and this picture does not do them justice at all.

Off to a birthday party! Have a happy Wednesday!

Outfit Deets
Top- thrifted
sweater- Gap outlet
Jeans- thrifted
Belt- Aldo, a thousand years ago
Moccasins- Sitka Skate and Surf

What I Wore Wednesday

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Manic Monday!

Though today was rather bleek I was in a REALLY good mood today . . . well I pretty good mood. I've been in a pretty good mood lately. I think its because I've finally settled down and have nothing to stress about. So what has happened since last Monday?
1. I started recording in the studio again :D pretty much done 1 of 6 songs
2. I emailed my dance teacher about there being more (contemporary dance) classes cuz the summer session is done this week and I didn't like the fact that they were and she said there will be more in september and that "you're making awesome progress by the way - you're a natural" that just about made my year! I know I'm lame
3. hmm . . . can't think of anything.

Ok so I told you before that at work we have purple mondays and I wasn't going along with it for a while cuz who wants to see me wear purple every monday? I don't! I didn't really wanna wear these today but I was compromising with Daria.

Dunno if you can see it but I'm wearing a braided head band that looks like its part of my hair. I got it a while back but never wore it until now!

New necklace I got from H&M . . . yesterday? yea! yesterday just before ballet class where I witness my teacher and the pianist have a shouting matching over us going 5 mins over class . . . the pianist wanted to leave it REALLY wasn't a big deal. Anyways off topic I am. The lacy part is just my bra :P

Ok I think I'm done. I really gotta start doing some crafts!

Oh i decided to try to do another music project where I'd post a song on youtube every Thursday but I need a cool name for it . . . like some kind of cool alliteration . . . It'll come to me eventually. Or maybe sunday cause thursdays and sundays are my days off.

Ok I gotta leave for hip hop soonish . . . this time its more fun though I'm still pretty white when I dance. My sister said I looked like a dancer trying to do hip hop. At least I looked like a dancer.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: This Morning I Listened to The Justin Timberlake Album

And this outfit was the result.
I don't think that SexyBack usually garners such results, but I am quite happy with today's outfit. I wonder what kind of outfit I would produce if I listened to the out-fashioned crooning of She & Him. I'll try it next Wednesday. Maybe I'll go out in full club garb, haha.
I wasn't feeling very outfit inspired last night, but then I realized that the blogosphere had never seen this dress before- which is just cuh-raaazy, since I bought it way back in grade 11 and have been wearing it regularly ever since. I just love it so much!

Yesterday, the used book store called me to tell me that a book I had ordered had come in. It's about a man's volunteer experience in Nepal and it's supposed to be life-changing. I figured since I'm hoping to get to Nepal by fall of 2012, it would be a good read! This is what i want to be doing today...

But this is what I have to do. Essay editing, I hate you.

Outfit Deets

Dress- Value Village circa 2006
cardigan- inherited from a friend
wedges- Payless
headband- borrowed from the bestie
necklace- Value Village sale day!
Belt- I actually don't remember. I think F21, maybe 2004? I just know I've had it for-ev-er.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Manic Monday

Today isn't very exciting I apologize
this shirt use to be Meshe's she gave it to me a LONG time ago and it was packed away in a suitcase of clothes I had. It wasn't a very exciting day either...

On the weekend however I went to a wedding reception for someone I don't know . . . a friend of a friend who THEY hadn't even seen for 4 years. It was cute all these young people getting married . . . kinda depressing. I wore a polka dress I wore once for new years. I stole Meshe's necklace . . . she wasn't here :P

and that's it for another monday of the manic kind

Thursday, July 7, 2011

15 Weeks of Photobooth: Week 8

Just finally posting this and it's already time to take one for this week! I am absolutely loving that heart duct tape. This project is turning more and more into a simple journalling with pictures project instead of a scrapbook project and that is totally fine by me!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: Sunny Days are the Best Days

And the fantastic week continues!
Nothing too exciting to report except that it's hot and lovely over in my parts and I am absolutely loving it! I can't get enough of the sunshine!
Looking forward to floating in some water and lounging away my weekend.

Why yes, I am wearing half a dead bird as a necklace, who doesn't?

Aaaaand, pose like a pirate! Arrrrr!

Outfit Details
Top- thrifted (from Calgary! Haha, I don't know why that's important, I just have an uncanny memory for when I buy things)
Shorts- Berlin flea market (like that's a surprise at this point
Feather Necklace- Decade

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, July 4, 2011

15 Weeks of Photobooth: Week 7

For Week 7, I got a little more creative than last week and actually did some scrapbooking! Yay! Scrapbooking is so much easier when your scrapbooking stuff isn't packed away in a box!I'm all moved in now- Yay! Week 8 should already be done, but I'm a touch behind (just one day!) so expect that soon.

I have had a ridiculously good day today and am super excited and looking forward to everything right now. :) It's a great feeling.

Best. Day. Ever.

It's a beautiful sunny day so warm out. Finally summer is here.
What I'm wearing . . . new top from Winners, and grey yoga shorts (yea they are short) that I got at a yyoga sale (yes there is suppose to be two "y"s)

and why is it the best day ever? after almost a MONTH because of the damn postal strike I GOT MY LONGBOARD. Isn't it beautiful? I'm gonna try it out later when there isn't a whole bunch of people around to watch me fall. :) sooo exciting but now that I've got it I'm a little reluctant and self conscious about going out and riding it. I do feel cool walking around with it though hahah.

I really thought I had more to say . . . but I guess not eh . . . hmm

Friday, July 1, 2011


wrong flag in the background.
I'm off to a BBQ. I made Peanut butter pretzel brownies I took pictures I just can't find the cord to my camera . . . so I will edit this post soon