Monday, August 22, 2011

I just remembered

I was just about to go to bed and I remembered what I forgot to do. I get side tracked pretty darn easily. Yea there's a ribbon on my wrist I wore it all day at work and no one said anything and I forgot to take it off for this picture.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I thought we had no internet . . .

It wasn't working for the past few days so we decided to call shaw and BUY internet instead of stealing it. They were suppose was to come today between 5-8pm buut i had yoga at 530 and my sister had work til 530 and OF COURSE they come at 5:04! we have to wait til monday . . . so thinking there was no internet I baked then I find out WE HAVE "OUR" internet back . . .

I had nothing better to do then make tiny cookies. The top is lil thumbprint cookies, the middle is peanut butter drops and the bottom one are lil chocolate chip ones which I made first and thats why they look so weird but they taste AWESOME

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: A Cheating Farewell


For my third and final week of WIWWs, I broke the rules. After a week of swimming, sunning, and geocaching, I returned home from a wee trip to Bellingham and Victoria. Living out of my school backpack for seven days left me wearing an old music festival shirt, jeans, and Birkenstocks to work today. So, instead of modeling my ripped Sasquatch tee (an attempt to remove the scratchy tag ended in disaster), I threw on a few of the various finds from my weekend in Bellingham.

Sometimes I fall over mid-pose:

Outfit Details:
- glasses: Buffalo Exchange (yes, they are goofy. yes, they are fake.)
- shirt: Buffalo Exchange
- belt: fish market in Hamburg(see last week's post)
- trousers: clearance at Urban Outfitters
- boots: Target

I hope everyone had a lovely Wednesday! Goodbye!

Monday, August 15, 2011

well well well

Usually I lay out what I am going to wear the next day the night before so I'm not humming and ha-ing over what to wear. Last night I did not have time nor did I have time in the morning. So this is what I grabbed. I hope I didn't already wear this.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Belated Wednesday!

As promised...late, but nevertheless still proof of how photographing yourself at 7:59 in the morning before you rush off to work is NEVER flattering...

I was planning on wearing something cute, but quickly remembered I'd be shelving books all day and thus changed into something a little more work appropriate. Maybe I'll master this whole adorable thing by next week, my last What I Wore Wednesday...or maybe not...

Outfit Details:
earrings - my mom's
shirt- thrifted
belt - a fish market in Hamburg, Germany (no joke, there was one lonesome stand selling belts...)
pants - Zara in Seville, Spain

Hope you had a lovely Wednesday! Cheers!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday - UPDATE!

I am SO sorry, but today's WIWW post & picture will be slightly belated, to be posted tomorrow... I've had a crazy day and, although I photographed my outfit, did not end up having the time to upload and blog about it! Check back tomorrow morning for a belated, but still accurate description of what I wore (and did!) on this less than noteworthy day.


Monday, August 8, 2011

M-M-Manic Monday

Hello hello . . . it was a beautiful August 8th actually it still is . . . wow I just lost my train of thought . . . I hate it when that happens . . .

Blue striped shirt - thirfted
black yoga shorts (yea i wore these . . .yeah they're short) - yyoga warehouse sale :)

Recent thrift store purchases. I had recently gone through my clothes and got rid of a shit load and I trade in clothes for music good trade I think
I got this before the music for clothes switch. But it was ONLY $2 and I have not seen this before but I like Dan Akroyd and Chevy Chase so it's bound to be funny.

tiny Razorlight record has Golden Touch which is one of my fave songs by them. I THINK they're British . . .?

Joni Mitchell! it has one of my ALL TIME fave songs . . .Case of You

and of course the unforgettable Nat King Cole. . .

and that's about it folks.

ps there is a very exciting art project I am planning . . . in the near future

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday - Guest Post Numero Uno


After much (well, not really...) careful thought and consideration, this is what I came up with for the first of my three WIWW's!

It really was too warm today to wear nylons, but the dress is a little too short to wear without. Thankfully the bookstore (where I work) is air-conditioned.

Outfit Deets:
Dress - thrifted (Bellingham)
Belt - Zara in Spain
Nylons - Target!
Shoes - found at a super cute, secondhand Outdoor Outfitters shop in Bellingham. (I suppose this means they're thrifted!)

(I just realized that the majority of my outfit is from the US of A, perhaps I should rename this "My American Outfit"...)

PS sorry for the TERRIBLE photo quality, was in a rush and used Photobooth

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I Had a legit reason for no manic monday yesterday and I was so excited too cause I didn't work and I thought I'd have it up early. My internet was just not working. In the morning it was fine and then i went grocery shopping and came back and IT WASN'T WORKING!

So yesterday was a gorgeous day even though I ended up staying inside most of the time . . . I know I know what was I thinking.
Black cardigan - thrifted
Nirvana tank - H&M
Dark green Shorts (you can't tell) - Thrifted also