So it's my friends birthday tomorrow and I made her a card . . . it was kinda rushed but I had this amazing idea in my head then it just never came out the way I planned. She's studying to be a personal trainer hence the physically active person and the card is in the shape of Australia. Why? because she and I and my sister plan on moving to Australia in a couple years for AT LEAST a year. You have NO idea how excited we are about it.
I keep looking around my room thinking "what can I take and what do I leave" I gotta start downsizing. Don't get me wrong it's a TERRIFYING thought completely moving my life to another continent let alone another city but it's also the thought of starting over somewhere else. We get so accustomed and attached to THINGS that knowing I can't take everything with me will force me to throw out what I REALLY don't need and really should have thrown out a long time ago.
Until then we will all be saving money like crazy. I keep calculating things in my head and I have to not do all this random spending. I know WHAT I need and what I really don't need to be spending money on. Also by then Meshe will be done school, Emma will be done school and I will be a certified yoga teacher :) (school starts in the fall I'm psyched for that)
Emma knows someone who owns a place in Perth that is apparently empty a lot of the time hopefully it'll be still available before we go. ALSO David Suzuki has a home in Australia it's not random he's Emma uncle. YEAH I KNOW RIGHT?! And his wife (her mom's cousin) said she's always welcome to come visit.

Though I'd shove in a belated Manic Monday in there for old time sake. New sweater from Winners. (no more pointless random expensive trips to Winners anymore)