So, day three of poppytalk's winter colours week, halfway through the week of hell, two more colours to go! And today, the colour I possibly love the most....
BLUE! Significantly easier and more exciting than the horrifying banality of the colour white (boo! hiss) So, here it goes, the colour that is much more lovely, much more interesting, and found much more commonly in my room!
Today was a lovely day. Cold and bright- very brisk air- so I thought I'd take pictures out in the backyard amongst the grass, giving my blue bird a much more natural setting...
Apparently, I have a love for blue birds. This is my penguin cell phone holder!
It doesn't look it, but this is the blue corner cupboard that I inherited secondhand. I painted it blue and put some glass knobs I got at a flea market in Berlin. It's part cupboard, part shelving unit, but I thought I'd just share the door of the cupboard today....
I came home from school, took pictures in the grass, started doing some homework, looked out the window and the sky was dark blue- I hope this counts!This is the shirt I sleep in. It's true. (truthfully, I have no idea what this means about me, short attention span? Shallow?
These nagging questions are the reason I don't wear it in public!)
A blue album cover on a blue table.
My always heavy and cumbersome school bag.
My to-go coffee cup! I love it ever so much!
And one additional white thing I forgot to photograph yesterday...
my roommate's wolf-dog, Buddy.
Tomorrow, greeeeeen (and an exciting announcement about the blog!)