Monday, January 31, 2011

mmmm Cupcakes

I made these for my roommate who is currently out for a birthday dinner with her boyfriend.
I was bored and feel sorta guilty that I didn't get her anything but she LOVES the card.

Take Two

My Manic Monday . . .
I'd say it's pretty simple today...
Black tank under a black mesh-like top with grey leggins

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Craft of 2011

It's my roommate's birthday tomorrow and I thought I'd make her a card. . . I have no idea what to GET her. . . yes she does have pink hair . . . well it's fading now but i thought I'd go with bright pink.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday!

Well, hello there. It's the very first What I Wore Wednesday! I have literally been excited about this all week, and Jen's post on Monday made me super jealous that she got to go first! Anyway, this post might as well be subtitled, Attack of the Awkward Poses- it is ridiculous how many outtakes I have on this one outfit. These are the only two that are even close to being decent, and I'm still not entirely pleased with them. I think next week, I'll do mid-dancing poses--this picture earned lots of laughs from the fam. And if I'm good at anything, it's having people laugh at me.

So, I have two options that only differ to the shoes-- sort of takes it from a day to night look, I think... since I was on my way to school, I wore the boots and the leggings.

Until next Wednesday!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

And so starts . . .

So as Julz explained the idea we gotta be cute at least once a week and record it (in a way) I get My Manic Monday (mondays are always manic don't you think?) and she gets What I Wore Wednesday. . . MANIC MONDAY TAKE 1!

Gotta say not a fan of my face. But keep in mind its 5am and I'm just about to go to work . . .yay (sarcasm). . . So what I am sporting here is a flowery blue and white tank with a high waisted skirt (that I decided needed to be higher so I made it an empire waist I also had to PIN it cause it was too big), a black cardigan and black tights. . . It ain't rocket science . . .

oooh classic 5am I-want-to-still-be-in-bed face.

And NOT related to my manic mondays. . . saturday I made a VEGAN birthday cake for my friend's b-day and he loves superman. . . I had planned it all better in my head BUT i had had a few just before putting on the logo so i could've done better. It's pretty tasty though chocolate cake with cream cheese icing mmmmmmm. I believe I still have some left. Want some? well come on over then!

ON a brighter more random note I START KICKBOXING TOMORROW!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just Another Lazy Sunday...

So, even though I didn't get out my jammies today, I did get some crafty stuff done- in the form of cleaning! I alternated reading & school work and creative stuff, so between small tasks I would get some learnin' done. Here are the fruits of my labour (Fruits of learnin' labour not pictured)

I don't have that many nailpolishes, but there are just enough to fit on the ledge of the small window in my bedroom- I rainbow colourized them and I think, that even though nailpolish organization is not the most fascinating of topics, it came out pretty adorable.

After reading an entire book on Impressionists and Politics of the nineteenth century (surprisingly entertaining read!) I did a more traditional clean and then tried to figure out what I would do with my cake stand I made until I start having tea parties.

I tried using it as an earring stand, and was going to try something else-- and then I realized I didn't have anything else in large quantities to put on this cake stand so I gave up. Yeesh. I also started work on the project that the big ugly sweater I showed yesterday was intended for. Project-wise, it's had it's pitfalls, but I think I've worked out the easiest method to my madness. Pics soon! And tomorrow, MY MANIC MONDAY. Yay!

Happy Sunday.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thrifty Treasures

So, apparently, if you force yourself to blog everyday for five days, day six without blogging feels horrifyingly incomplete. What have I got myself into? School will get busier, so everyday blogging will not go on forever, but until then...the "can't stop" in our blog name refers to my incessant blogging habits.

I had to go find a pilot costume for work for my shift tonight (don't ask) and OF COURSE I stumbled out with more than a few gems.
For example,

An adorable blazer I got from the little boys section, complete with a little badge from the elementary school-I'm not sure if I'm going to pull the shoulder pads out or not, usually I'd have to, but this is fitted and small enough that I can almost get away with it!
Now, I don't reeeaaally need an apron (I already have two adorable ones I hardly ever use) but I simply could not leave this one behind. This picture doesn't completely do it justice... the two circles are really deep pockets and it's all hand stitched! I'm sure I'll start using aprons one day...when I stop being such a mess in the kitchen!
Adorable felt hat!
I have wanted one like this for ages!
Remember this sweater. It will reappear in this space in an entirely different way.

And finally, the reason I made the excursion to the thrift shop- my pilot costume! There wasn't really anything in the way of commercial pilot outfit, so I settled for a boys scout uniform, which was a surprise hit! My coworkers and I agreed that I was more of a fighter pilot than commercial pilot-- this outfit was made complete with a pilot hat and gold aviators. I looked great!

Okay, that was fun. I got to show off my new stuff and practice posing in my modelling corner for What I Wore Wednesday (which I am so so so excited about!) I guess I'll be here again tomorrow? We'll see.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Colours Week Wrap-Up

Last day of Colours of Winter Week and the colours are silver and gold! I don't have much in the way of silver and gold possessions, so it's mostly just jewelry today. I was hoping to get out and about today so that I could take pictures of silver and gold out in the world-- but I woke up this morning with a terrible cold. I feel awful! So, a little lackluster, but here it is....


And finally, a blog announcement! Starting next week, Jen and I will each post once a week, her posts will be on Mondays and my posts on Wednesdays. And the point? Fashion! We're hoping to showcase our own individual style as well as force ourselves to experiment with outfits and adorableness! Jenyfa's Monday posts will be called My Manic Monday, and my Wednesday posts will be called What I Wore Wednesday. Yay! Excited.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

No Time Green

No, seriously, so busy today. No time. These things are green. Tomorrow will be gold(en).

Probably not the finished product ...

. . . I got a queen size bed a few days ago MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE definite improvement/ step up from my tiny twin size bed. I'm a big girl now :D anywho I put some red curtains up that i got few years ago in ikea's as-is that i NEVER got around to using but i think i need to find something more to add to it to make it look . . . i dunno there is something it needs.
But I'm posting for the sort-of-art on my wall . . . as a musician I am a BIG fan of guitars . . . hmmm. Right now they are just taped to my wall but if I can find some album cover frames that would be awesome.

This is basically a lame ass post but just so you know I am still alive and what not. I haven't posted something in a looooonnngg time it feels like . . .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

i have a blue house with a blue window. blue is the colour of all that i wear.

So, day three of poppytalk's winter colours week, halfway through the week of hell, two more colours to go! And today, the colour I possibly love the most....BLUE! Significantly easier and more exciting than the horrifying banality of the colour white (boo! hiss) So, here it goes, the colour that is much more lovely, much more interesting, and found much more commonly in my room!

Today was a lovely day. Cold and bright- very brisk air- so I thought I'd take pictures out in the backyard amongst the grass, giving my blue bird a much more natural setting...
Apparently, I have a love for blue birds. This is my penguin cell phone holder!
It doesn't look it, but this is the blue corner cupboard that I inherited secondhand. I painted it blue and put some glass knobs I got at a flea market in Berlin. It's part cupboard, part shelving unit, but I thought I'd just share the door of the cupboard today....
I came home from school, took pictures in the grass, started doing some homework, looked out the window and the sky was dark blue- I hope this counts!
This is the shirt I sleep in. It's true. (truthfully, I have no idea what this means about me, short attention span? Shallow? These nagging questions are the reason I don't wear it in public!)
A blue album cover on a blue table.
My always heavy and cumbersome school bag.
My to-go coffee cup! I love it ever so much!
And one additional white thing I forgot to photograph yesterday...
my roommate's wolf-dog, Buddy.
Tomorrow, greeeeeen (and an exciting announcement about the blog!)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


As mentioned yesterday, I was dreading today for the colour: white. It's just not my colour. I never feel the gravitational pull or excitement towards white that I feel towards bright colours. It just doesn't do it for me. Some would argue that plain white has a crisp, clean feel, but I would say, for me, the feeling is more.. sterile. I like colour! I think my love of colour shines through in the pictures below, and there are little splashes in almost every single picture.
My purple nailpolish and the white teapot that I inherited when I moved...
My gauzy "grownup" blouse.... hanging on a bright yellow hanger.
This is the white thing I stare at the most on a daily basis, a notepad. Sitting on a blue table with a yellow tablecloth overlooking fuschia sheets. I don't do neutrals, guys!
These are the white towels I got for Christmas. Along with my Hawaii towel and two pink ones, these towels make me feel like I'm in a hotel!
I decided to try to look outside the realms of my room for pretty white things, but even that didn't really pan out as I had hoped...
My favourite white thing. My laptop!

And that concludes white. Thank God. Tomorrow, blues! A colour that I find much more abundantly in my life! Yay! But now, sleep. I'm exhausted.